Decimosegundo DOMINGO

P. Félix Jiménez Tutor, escolapio




Zacarías 12,10-11; Gálatas 3,26-29; Lucas 9,18-24


Una vez que Jesús estaba orando solo, en presencia de sus discípulos, les preguntó: -¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?

Ellos contestaron: -Unos que Juan el Bautista, otros que Elías, otros dicen que ha vuelto a la vida uno de los antiguos profetas.

El les preguntó: -Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo?

Pedro tomó la palabra y dijo: -El Mesías de Dios.

Él les prohibió terminantemente decírselo a nadie. Y añadió: -El Hijo del hombre tiene que padecer mucho, ser desechado por los ancianos, sumos sacerdotes y letrados, ser ejecutado y resucitar al tercer día.

Y, dirigiéndose a todos, dijo: -El que quiera seguirme, que se niegue a sí mismo, cargue con su cruz de cada día y se venga conmigo. Pues el que quiera salvar su vida, la perderá; pero el que pierda su vida por mi causa, la salvará.



En su libro The Wisdom of Big Bird, La Sabiduría del Gran Pájaro, Caroll Spinney escribe: "Yo soy, tal vez, la persona más desconocida y más famosa de América. Es el Pájaro el que es famoso, no yo". El Gran Pájaro de Sesame Street es conocido y querido por todos los niños del mundo. Es una estrella de la televisión y de las películas. Ha ganado Emmys y Grammys, ha salido en la portada de Life Magazine e incluso tiene su propia estrella en el paseo de la Fama de Hollywood.

Caroll Spinney, el titiritero dentro del traje del Pájaro, puede caminar por las calles y nadie sabe quién es. A él no le gusta ser perseguido por la prensa o el público.

En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús se siente como la persona más desconocida y más famosa del mundo. Incluso sus discípulos parecen no saber quién es realmente.

Jesús les pregunta: "¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?"

Mientras escuchan la proclamación del evangelio de hoy, Jesús también les hace la misma pregunta. ¿Quién dicen ustedes que soy yo? Y tenemos que darle nuestra respuesta.

Sobre Jesús de nada sirve tener opiniones más o menos favorables y correctas. A Jesús sólo se le responde de verdad desde el seguimiento y la fe.

El Jesús superestrella y maravilloso es también el Jesús sufriente en la cruz.

Jesús no es un trozo de escayola pintada y convertida en estatua. Es un ser humano, de carne y hueso, que nos redimió a través del sufrimiento.

Cuando vamos a un museo y los vigilantes no nos miran nos gusta tocar las esculturas y las pinturas para ver si son verdaderas y sólidas. Lo mismo pasa con nosotros, estatuas humanas. Cuando somos probados y arañados por el sufrimiento, sabemos si somos verdaderos y sólidos o baratas imitaciones.

En la carta a los Gálatas San Pablo nos ha dicho hoy: "Ya no hay distinción entre judíos y gentiles, esclavos y libres, hombres y mujeres, porque todos sois uno en Cristo Jesús".

La imposible unidad para los hombres se hace posible en Cristo.

Los judíos y los gentiles no se llevaban nada bien. Los judíos enseñaban que para hacerse cristiano había que hacerse judío. San Pablo no está de acuerdo.

Antes de Cristo era la Ley de Moisés. Con Cristo llega la ley de la Libertad.

Romper la ley ya nos excluye del amor de Dios que siempre nos espera con los brazos abiertos. Dios sigue amándonos a todos y no nos pone etiquetas. Todas quedan abolidas.

Después de Cristo todos somos herederos por la fe de las promesas de Dios.

La unidad en la diversidad. Los cristianos pueden concentrarse en su nueva relación con Dios. No tienen que malgastar sus energías en saber quién es quién, quién está dentro y quién fuera. Lo importante es esforzarse en vivir la vida cristiana.

El momento decisivo entre el antes y el después es el Bautismo.

Revestidos de Cristo se nos ha dado una vida nueva, hemos entrado en la comunidad de los hijos y ninguno es ya el mismo después.

Ahora tenemos la libertad en el Espíritu, libres para vivir para Dios, libres para amar al prójimo, libres para llevar los fardos de los demás, libres para hacer el bien a todos… y tan libres que ya no hay diferencias, ni colores, ni razas, ni edades, ni clérigos y laicos, ni hombres y mujeres, ni ciudadanos e inmigrantes. Somos todos iguales. Las clasificaciones humanas están todavía ahí, pero ya no importan. Lo que importa es Cristo en mí, Cristo en ti, y todos uno en Cristo.

Después de Cristo lo viejo ha pasado. Todo lo ha hecho nuevo.



Suppose Jesus were to come here
One night, Charles Lamb and his guests were chatting about William Shakespeare over Spanish port and Cuban cigars.
“Supposing”, one askek Lamb, “Shakespeare were to stroll into our dining room at this moment”. The essayist replied, “We would raise a glass of port to the great man”.
“Supposing”, asked another, ``Jesus were to come here”. Lamb answered, “We would get down on our knees”.
There is the essential difference between the man from Nazareth And all the great people you can think of. The Christ is God, and all others, no matter what their deeds, are but fools who strut on the stage for a brief time and then exit. (Fr Gilhooley)
We are told that Jesus was praying alone but his disciples were with him. This tiny detail reminds us that Jesus spent time in prayer. We do not know the content of his conversation with his Father, was it about his ministry, about his death? He prayed and we must.
After this heavenly conversation he had an earthly conversation with his disciples.
He asked them about the word on the street, who the crowds say that I am?
The crowds saw Jesus as a man with a great message and with great power, but ultimately they were not sure of who he was. Some believed he was John the Baptist, because he preached about repentance, others thought he was Elijah, because he worked miracles like him...He was a celebrity, the Jew of the day.
Today it is easy for us to answer this question. We have thousands of books about Jesus's Life and message. There are thousands of opinions. I asked Google and I found what Famous people say, what New yorkers say, what Christians say, what Atheists say ... Most people have
an opinion about Jesus.
Einstein says,”I Am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene. Jesus is too colossal for the pen of phrase- mongers, however artful”.
Napoleon says, “Alexander, Caesar...and myself founded empires upon force. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love and at this hour millions of men would die for him”.
We can repeat what other people have been saying for centuries. We play safe using the third person, the Church says, my priest says, my catechist says... and reduces Jesus to a mere doctrine. Today’s Gospel reminds us that it is not good enough, that it is useless to hide behind the third person.
Jesus asks you, me, us: Who do you say that I am?

Forget about what other people say. Only our answer matters. Jesus is listening, he is waiting for our answer. To hear him, please turn down not only the world’s volume, but also your fears, your ambitions and your doubts.
“Jesus is not valued at all, until he is valued above all”. Saint Augustine Yes, we have Peter’s answer. “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God”.
Jesus does not want a theological answer, we are his followers not theologians, Jesus question is about a relationship, it is about love. And one thing is to lecture someone about love and another one is to tell him “I love you”. What is always necessary is to be connected to the source of all love, to have a relationship with Jesus is vital and necessary.
We have the official definition in Peter’s answer, but Jesus wants our personal definition.

The password to connect with Jesus is, “I love you”.
“Too many Christians, '' Wiersbe wrote, “are content to be listeners who gain a lot of knowledge but who never put that knowledge into practice”.
Let us stop being students and listeners. We are invited to be disciples and discipleship is a lifetime endeavor.
“If anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it”. (Lk 9:23-24)
“A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing and suffers nothing is worth nothing”.

(Martin Luther)




HAVE you ever counted the times that the Word of God reminds us not to be afraid?
One hundred and eleven times and three times occur in the Gospel we have just proclaimed.

Jesus said to the twelve: Fear no one.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.

Dr. Charles Mayo of the famous Mayo Clinic said this about worry:
“There is a growing mountain of evidence that worry is the chief contributor of depression, nervous breakdown, high blood pressure, heart attacks and early death. Stress kills”.

I have never known a man die from hard work but I have known a lot who have died from worry.

So what is the solution to worry?

Someone once said: “Worry is like a rocking chair, it uses up all your energy without getting you anywhere”.

We are not supposed to stay put, but on the move, on the road to tell the people who we are, what we believe and why we are not afraid of proclaiming and living our faith in Jesus.

Jesus is talking to his disciples who are probably thrilled to be his followers.
There is a time to listen, to learn and to follow , but there is also a time for action, to move forward, to do God’s work. We are more than admirers, more than bystanders, we are his disciples and we call him Lord.

Every Sunday is for us D DAy.
We are not sent into the world to fight evil but to conquer the evil one.

Are you afraid of sharing your faith with your brothers and sisters?

D Day is both fear and victory.

In Alphabet City, we are most unlikely to face death for being a follower of Jesus Christ.
We might not have to fear for our lives, but we can be tempted to be fearful about other things, very small things.

When I come to NYC I am afraid of going through customs, of taking the elevator in some buildings, of an empty refrigerator, of being rejected or ignored…afraid of what you might think of me…small things that make our lives miserable.

We have failed many times, but it is the stories of our victories, the times we have faced failure head-on that count. Don’t count your failures, count your victories.

“Fear no one”. What Jesus is that God is God, that he is above success and failure, help and isolation weal and woe, holding them in hands that Jesus says are the hands of the Father.

Prayer is our way of saying: Father I know you love me and I know you want tso guide me in this situation. I need help, your help.

Sunday. Our D Day. Fear and Victory.
I’ll send an S.O.S to Heaven.

Walked out this morning, don’t believe what I saw
Hundred billion bottles, washed up on the shore
Seems I’m not alone at being alone
Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home.

True, we are worth more than a billion sparrows. True, we know that nobody can kill our souls, but we also know that stress and evil men can kill our bodies, and we are afraid.

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others, I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.”